How to survive a no buy #4: identify your dangerzone

Danger ZoneI was on my way to a lunch with my friend and suddenly I froze. I just couldn’t breath anymore. My legs got heavy and I wasn’t able to move anymore. The only thing I could do was stare at the window…

Welcome to the world of a shoe addict on a Shoe No Buy.
I get distracted everywhere. Utrecht counts 71 shoe stores. Most of them located in the city centre. So you can imagine how hard it is for a girl like me to walk though the city. It sometimes feels like being in Carrie Bradshaw’s closet without the permission to touch anything. Horror!

Like to title of the blogpost already says; it’s good to identify your dangerzone. When you know what the dangerzone is, it’s a lot easier, less hard.

My dangerzones
– The days before a (national) holiday, like christmas or easter.
I just want/need new shoes to complete my outfit. My outfit isn’t finished without new shoes. All the others are not the perfect match.

Dangerzone 1

– Sale.
It’s always sale. If the sale isn’t in actual stores, it’s online. You can’t deny it.

– Shopping with friends.
My friends don’t have a Shoe No Buy. They are actually allowed to buy anything they want. I love shopping for shoes with them, but damn it’s hard! Especially when I see the most gorgeous pair of heels with that cute bow or glitter finish!

– Large windows with a million shoes.
Thank God we don’t have those a lot in Holland. But in Brazil, they are every where. They exhibit the shoes in every color and every shape. I’m a sucker for that. I know that the perfect pair is somewhere in that collection. When you want a higher heel but like the straps? They’ll probably have that too! Shoe shopping in Brasil is like a kid in a candy store!

What are your danger zones?


All images are from

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